Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Question#4: Justify what situations or applications programmers will rather use Assembly Languages than Higher Level Progamming Languages and vice versa.

Answer: Many programmers choose assembly language because of its quiet small compared in the high-level languages because its indicates that one generally doesn’t choose assembly language. However, there are situations where it may not be convenient, efficient, or possible to write programs in high-level languages. … Assembly language has a number of advantages over machine code aside from the obvious increase in readability. One is that the use of symbolic names for data and instruction labels frees the programmer from computing and recomputing the memory locations whenever a change is made in a program.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Question#3: Research in the net what is the best assembler and why. Answer:
FASM is the best and good assembler because it is known as the fast speed. FASM is a multi-pass assembler. It makes extensive code size optimization, and allows more forward referencing. A usual FASM construct is defining data or procedures only if they are used somewhere in the code, something that in most languages is done per-object by the linker. FASM or Flat Assembler is a free and open source Intel-style assembler supporting the IA-32 and x86-64 architectures, size optimizations, OS portability, and macro capabilities .It is a low-level assemblerand uses few command-line options.FASM contains bindings to the Windows GUI and OpenGL.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Question #2: Research in the net usual applications done in assembly language. Describe these applications briefly and cite the efficiency and effectiveness of these applications.

Answer: assembly language is a low-level language for programming computers It implements a symbolic representation of the numeric machine codes and other constants that is needed to program a particular CPU architecture. And it is developed in 1950s. And it is second generation programming language. and it is not only a single language but rather it is a group of language. People must choose assembly language because of its quiet small compared to the amount done in high-level languages indicates that one generally doesn’t choose assembly language.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


QUESTION: what topic(s) in MCS213 do you find easy and/or difficult and why?

ANSWER: the topic(s) i found difficulty in MCS213 is about in programming, because it so hard for me to program especially when our teacher assigned us to do program about conversion.
and the topics that i found easy is about blogging because the instruction is very easy to undestand,

Tuesday, September 9, 2008